Hello Ladies!
I am organizing 4 FUN EVENTS to teach you exercises & some techniques of WALKING with POLES! You will get a great workout & learn lots of new info! You will see for yourself how using walking poles in the winter can help prevent falls! These events are open to all of you & your spouses & friends!
Some of these dates WILL preempt your usual Yoga classes
(No classes held Tues Oct 31 at New Life Centre. No classes held Wed 2:00 pm at Heritage Mall). Please NOTE these dates in your calendar!
Urban Walking Poles: Workshop & Walk at Heritage Mall
We will BEGIN & FINISH in the Food Court of Heritage Mall (park near the rear entrance).
Please arrive at least 15 mins early if possible!
- Wed Oct 4 at 11:00 am
- Wed Oct 11 at 2:00 pm
- Sat Oct 21 at 11:00 am
- Tues Oct 31 at 11:00 am
Urban Walking Poles: Workshop & Walk at Heritage Mall!
- To borrow a set of POLES you must PLEASE reserve ahead on a ‘first booked, first served’ basis due to limited availability of loaner poles
- If you have your own set, please BRING your OWN! Contact me in person, by email or phone me.
- Guests are welcome to attend, including spouses & non-seniors
- PLEASE arrive early to sign waivers for the Heritage Mall! If you have attended Chair Yoga classes at the Mall, you have already signed one.
- This 4 part workshop will take about ONE HOUR to complete & we will finish back at the Food Court for the ‘after WALK’ STRETCH using POLES!
- Learn how to walk with POLES CORRECTLY; PLUS, warm up exercises, balance exercises & stretching afterwards, all using POLES!
- You are welcome to attend more than one event!
- Cost is $5 if you bring your own poles, $10 if you are borrowing a pair. Please reserve your POLES ASAP!
- You may PAY in advance by e-transfer or cash/cheque OR at the event, but please arrive early!
- I am hoping to have a SportChek &/or Medeox staff on hand to discuss types of poles & purchasing information.
- I am looking for 1 or 2 volunteers at each event to help me. I also need someone to stay behind with my suitcase & any excess poles while we walk around the mall.
- YES, we WILL be taking ‘bench’ breaks during the walk around the mall!
Benefits of using Walking Poles!
- Poling uses 80% of your muscles, much more than walking!
- Walking with poles burns more calories & improves your CARDIOVASCULAR workout!
- Walking with poles regularly will improve your posture by strengthening your back & shoulders!
- Walking with poles using certain techniques can actually propel you forward with every step so that you walk faster for enhanced CARIO work & more calories burned! (not recommended for those with arthritis)
- WALKING & EXERCISING using POLES helps people who suffer from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, poor balance, unstable hips & knees, poor posture, forward head posture, neck hump & more….
- Walking with poles helps PREVENT FALLS! (especially in slippery conditions or uneven surfaces such as outdoor events)
- Walking & exercising with poles distributes your weight between 4 bases of support instead of just your 2 legs, therefore helping to relieve joint pain in knees & hips! They are often recommended by many doctors & other health professionals!
- If you suffer from serious shoulder problems please ask your Doctor or health professional for their advice before attending.
- Please leave your purse locked in the trunk of your car & out of sight!
- Bring your essentials ONLY in a fanny pack, backpack or a small crossbody purse, as you CANNOT walk or exercise with poles while wearing a purse on your shoulder!
- Essentials: CAR KEYS, water, inhalers/puffers, tissues & I.D. in case of emergencies.
I hope I have not forgotten anything!! Please share this email! Posters will be going up this weekend!